Knowing These 5 Secrets Will Make Your Best Casual Shoes Look Amazing

jeans are a staple and probably  something you guys wear on the daily but  is it just me or is it sometimes hard to  find the right shoe to match with your  denim well to make things easier you're  the top  that's right   shoes that you can wear with your  jeans that always look good now to be  fair I broke that down into three  categories we're gonna pick the top  three sneakers the top three dress shoes  and the top three boots let's hop into  it number one sneakers let's start with  the first category and that sneakers the  most casual and that's gonna be your  white leather sneaker if all else fails  and you have no idea where to start this  is where you start there is something  about it that dark navy contrasts from  your denim to those white sneakers that  always looks fresh number two if you  want something more urban or street wear  the Jordan Air once they have the most  classic silhouette of all the Jordans  which makes it easy for any guy that's  trying to get into high tops if that's  you you want to give these a shot the  other Jordans are chunky are much harder  to pull off so if you want to start  somewhere simple these are the ones to  go and also since they're so classic  they're always going to be in style and  finally number three for sneakers your  vans old school it's the cheapest one on  the list but it's also the most  recommended one on this list because  it's such a staple Vance old schools are  those sneakers that always tend to look  better as they age and literally you can  pair it with any kind of denim black  jeans white jeans dark denim light denim  they always look good so why keep on  looking when you already know something  works that well now let's move on to  category number two which are your boots  something a little bit more formal than  your sneakers which will bring us to the  fourth shoe on this list and they are  your Chelsea boot this one isn't up for  discussion whether it's suede or leather  a pair of Chelsea boots with jeans will  make you feel like the ultimate bad boy  and literally x your style overnight  but before we keep going into this I do  want to give a huge thank you to our  sponsor rose gold in black which makes  this content possible for us if you guys  love our Blogs and what we do here then  you're gonna love our sponsors rose gold  and black always worked with us every  week to make sure we're always pumping  out quality content that helps you  always look stylish and a key fact of  any outfit whether it's mixing your  shoes to your denim or wearing suits or  wearing shorts whatever it is is access  or key because accessories is what  separates you from the average guy that  doesn't care about the details that's  what makes you  times more stylish  than your friends and with rose gold and  black it's simpler than ever if you've  never heard of rose with a black these  guys sell jewelry for guys and mainly  focus on bracelets and necklaces I've  been working with them for months almost  a year now I would say and literally I  wear these guys all the time every time  I want to just improve my style with  ease this is what I always gravitate and  if you've never checked them out I'm  going to have them link down below now  that link is our special link where  everything on that site it's heavily  discounted so if you've been in the  market for some jewelry like bracelet or  some necklaces this is a brain you're  gonna want to check out because the  quality of this stuff just blows past  anything you'll get a top man at Zara or  at H&M; so if you guys want to check out  our sponsors rose gold and black and  support our channel help us produce more  content definitely check them out pick  something up by the way they just  revamped their packaging it looks so  nice and again just goes to show the  amount of quality and thought goes into  all of these pieces so if you guys want  to check it out they're gonna be linked  down below now let's talk about the  fifth shoe that goes perfectly with  denim and it's your chukka boots this is  just a staple actually an essential  everybody means at least one pair of  chukka boots in their closet especially  for spring and summer number six for the  last boot it's your wingtip boot this  combo gives you that ultimate kind of  like military combat style feel to it  and bonus most of these wingtip boots  come with a very thick heel meaning  you'll easily be one to two inches  taller and now let's talk about the last  category which is dress shoes and the  most dressiest option that you can go  with when you're pairing with your denim  now keep in mind since jeans are more  casual it can sometimes get tricky  learning and knowing what dress shoes  you can actually mix with them if you  don't have me of course for example a  perfect shoe and the seventh one of the  list is the penny loafer probably one of  the most casual dress shoes out there  and literally a perfect match for your  jeans when you're trying to go for a  more smart approach with your style  what's that you want to take up your  style or not then go with the eighth  option which is the double monk strap  shoe you see the double monk strap is  kind of like an mp between a loafer and  an Oxford which makes it perfect for  denim but also  makes it a little bit dressier than  loafers so if you're trying to dress up  your jeans a bit but still be able to  mix an appropriate dress you without  looking out of place the double mark  stuff is still sure you want to use and  finally number  the brogue now when it  comes to dress shoes the brokes is as  dressy as you're gonna want to get with  your denim this is when you want that  business professional look but still  want to remain comfortable in your jeans  if that's the case then mix your jeans  with brokes because you can then match  that with a dress shirt and a blazer and  you'll have a killer sophisticated look  while still being comfortable and that's  basically it for today's Blog.


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